Not only do we have the opportunity to engage our own learning in addition to the children's learning, we also are finding ourselves immersed in a wider community of advocacy. Advocacy for honoring creativity. Advocacy for recognizing the capabilities and competencies of children. Advocacy for the participation in our world.
Maureen, one of the Boulder Journey School teachers who attended the workshop and interacts with us on social media, found the following article on Nirvan Mullick, the videographer who sparked this movement:
The Perfect Moment Goes Perfectly Viral
The article sparked a lot of questions for Maureen, who shared her curiosity:
I thought you would be particularly intrigued by the last paragraph, Mullick talks about "getting lost in something" and "perfect moments" and if we can create those moments for others...made me think about how we started our dialogue on the Hawkins Workshop night.
I am curious about Mullick's childhood and history. What have been the experiences that led him to advocating for children's inventiveness, creativity, play, etc.? Personally, I believe Mullick highlighted the genius/creativity present in ALL children. So how did Mullick get to where he is; to be an adult who chooses to put a spotlight on and advocate for this genius? It makes me curious how we can foster and develop this kind of advocacy in adults..what skills do adults need to be able to do what Mullick did(not necessarily using the same mediums)? What skills or prior experiences did Mullick have that led him to be able to "see" and cultivate this perfect moment with Caine and his Arcade? What made it a "perfect moment"? Was it only a perfect moment because it was shared?
We see this in classrooms which engage an emergent curriculum as well, as we move through the three phases of Messing About, sometimes the paths from the triangle phase take off, and sometimes they quietly fade out.
Tell us about your processes: how do you decide which moments to highlight, to follow? Which media do you use as your platform for advocacy?